Saturday, 12 April 2014

mission started

'sory sory'
'kene hack'
'budak2 ni pegang fon tadi' 

???? *blurr
hp kt tgn d pndg sekilas
dgn bag d bahu knn..
fail2 d tgn kiri..
wani,husna membuntuti d blkg
we are rushing to go to the library 
' Sumaiyah, kau dibunuh didunia sementara, untuk hidup disyurga yang selama lamanya. i nak kenal you boleh? you ni comel la. jantung i berdegup kencang pabila melihat wajah you yang comel tu. i suka you'

what??? haha...*senyum..
oo kna hack..*buat bodo
mdm da mnunggu lam kls..we're late..

as we enter the class..of course kna dok blkg..tgn da sejuk..ta tau knp..and kat sblh sne..u tgh melambai?? da knp?? i buat bodo..byk kali..i prsn je, tp buat2 ta nmpk..u ta puas hti..suddenly wani cuit i and...

"sorry..sorry tau.."
senyum..hmm :)"it's ok"

"ok you guys are going to do practice speaking and...." 
mak aii..lg sojuk ahh tgh den..relax arh group last kutt..ngee..

as the class ended..someone's singing lagu sumaiyah by hijjaz..what da?? my cheeks become the victim of red colour..blushing...........  

otw na trun from lvl 2 to lvl 1..u kat tgga bwh 

"eh sorry tau..kna hack tdi"
"'s ok..spe yg hack?"
"ada la..mne bleyh gtau"
"syafiq eh?"
" la"

*i miss that moment..


today our class are going to do practice speaking again...
and our group must debate with senior girl group..
and our topic is 'KPOP' i don't remember what is the exact title..

as kteorg group last..korg sume da bleyh relax2..and mmg nasib kteorg kna ngadap the whole class *group senior dpt chopp tmpt yg ta yah ngadap kls..T_T ta aci...

oo..mntg2 i minat kpop..and tjuk kpop plak yg i take it as a point to usik i ek?? taufiq plak siap rakam lgi?? what da hell??

it's our group time..

luckily our mdm tu baik habis..bapakkk sporting..
isi i punya la byk ats krts..when the time come for me to speak, dgn smgt berkobar-kobar na citer isi.....sepatah dua perkataan je yg terkeluar dpd mulut..

lutut ngn tgn da mcm kna penyakit parkinson..pipi da merah mcm pki blusher..jantung mcm na tercampak keluar..bilik yg panas ta ber'aircond'tu tetiba rssejuk mcm dok dlm igloo..

you, syafiq and taufiq ta abis2 i agkt kpl na pndg muka debator..mata i setentang dgn mata u..mana tak nya if u sit behind them and directly straight forward to me...haa..what a bad boys la you guys..!! rrr...

at last..until at the end of the debate..i can't talk and sikit pon ta agkt are the bad boy ever la abg luqman!!!!!!

sesi comment mengomen pun started..

"sumaiyah, why you din't talk??" *mdm da tnye tu..

"i'm sorry madam..someone is disturbing me and make me feel nervous until i could not even speak" *even to lift up my head pon cannot..huuu~

amik ko laju je aq bls..penangan ta dpt bcakap dlm debate td

"it's ok will do better in speaking test right??

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